[EN] Exploratory Data Analysis of Life expectancy and its relationship to income

- 1 min


Life expectancy is the average period a person is expected to live if the death rate the year they were born is stable. Normally, life expectancy is used to measure how long a person can live in a particular country and it is most associated with the health of individuals. Prior studies have found that there is a relationship between life expectancy and income per person. The income per person is the average income a person earns in a particular period. Normally, it is measured with the gross domestic product (GDP) and the amount of national production in a period. In this project, we want to learn about the relationship between life expectancy and income per person. In particular, we are interested in this relationship since World War 2 (WW2). We used the Gapminder website (www.gapminder.org/data) to collect information about life expectancy per country, inflation-adjusted income per person through the GDP per capita, and the total population of countries from 1800 until 2018. Read more here

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